
Avarra's Green Kinaldeth

Dragonsfire's 54th PC Clutch - Fort Weyr
Hestiath and Kayth’s clutch
Hatching Date: 12/7/08
Clutchmates: B'in's Bronze Casith, Tahira's Blue Talzath, A'dien's Bronze Sanuyeth, L'ryl's Blue Irajath
Egg theme: Nature's Spirits
Dragonet theme: Spirits and Myths

Avarra, we're extremely glad to have you at Fort Weyr, and are thrilled to have you join us as a rider. So, without further ado, we present to you, Kinaldeth!


Gaudy Delight Egg

An egg this bright should be forbidden; these hatchings are somber, serious occasions, and colors like this shouldn't be allowed. Despite that, this egg stands on its own. Shockingly small, it seems to make up for its lack of size with a vibrance of color. The tip of the egg is rich yellow and red, flowing together with a texture similar to wherry feathers. The colors shift, both gradual and sudden - the line between them is sharp enough, but the blending is so exquisite that the difference is hard to pinpoint. Spring green fades to dusky blue and purple until finally the base of the egg cloaks in mysterious darkness.

Inspiration: http://www.physorg.com/newman/gfx/news/2006/researchersd.jpg

Hatch Message:

Gaudy Delight Egg shivers, shakes and shifts for the last time. The time for showing off shell has passed, and the time for poking out into the world, awakening from a long sleep has arrived. With one last, intentional thump, the egg splits neatly in two, only offering a few jagged edges, allowing the appropriate amount of time to pass before a small green head appears, daintily, carefully stepping out from the wreckage. The rest of her follows shortly.

Dragon Description:

Moment's Metamorphosis Green Dragonet
Equine grace defines angled crown running into the elongated curve of her slender neck and flowing out to sculpt and refine all aspects of this turquoise-born lady. Ridges cascade in a torrent of abalone shells, carrying with them a child’s dappling of ebony flecks atop elegantly rounded shoulder and withers' crest. In the peak of her well kept jade-encrusted talons, fool’s gold taunts the miner who seeks fortune and fame, while silken wingsails unfurl in iridescent delight to further distract the gullible with the promise of spars’ bullion and timeless, endless, untold treasures.

Impression Message (Public): Moment's Metamorphosis Green Dragonet's inexperience must end. It is time for another change. This change doesn't only affect her, however, this one includes someone else. The proprieties must be observed. So, she drops her muzzle, stepping forward toward Avarra, her agent of change. Here is her eye-opening experience.

Impression Message (Personal): One moment, you are minding your own business, watching your surroundings, and the next, there is a knock at the door. « Hello. May I come in? » A light wind smelling of dawn and summer blows through your mind, formally introducing herself. The formality covers up a deep love. However, this must be done properly, after all. « My name is Kinaldeth. I would like to be your lifemate. » There is a pause, and a little nervousness, as though you are not following the script. « I believe now is when you offer me refreshments. »


Kinaldeth is based on the Navajo figure White Shell Girl who becomes Changing Woman. Navajo culture values the concept of “Horzo,” which is translated “Beauty.” However, it's not physical beauty, but beauty of words, deeds and the world around you that is important. “Wholeness” might be a better way to describe it. When someone steps out of beauty, they have a specific ritual and routine to follow to get back in. Usually, this involves a ceremony, called a “sing,” because music is an integral part of the process. The other reason a sing might be called is to celebrate an important event in your life in the correct way. So, we've included some of the culture, some of the specific things from the Kinaalda, the coming of age ceremony for women in the Navajo culture. This ceremony, incidentally is where Taini got the name.

We've included some links to tell you more about the Kinaalda if you want to know, but mainly, we're going to draw the need for ceremony from it, although the Kinaald (the young woman going through the ceremony) does several morning runs, which Tai thought would tie in nicely to Avarra's profession as a runner. You asked for a character to tie this to, and Taini (and Taini's husband) connected her easily with Ambassador Delen from Babylon 5. Also, the Kinaald and White Shell Girl are connected with dawn, the east, spring, and new life. So, a lot to play with if you like.

Kinaldeth is innocence personified. It's not because she's flighty or stupid, but because she chooses to see the world this way. Everyone's intentions are honorable, or when they aren't, it's only a momentary thing. And, easily fixable by the right words, the right mindset. « No, I don't think he meant it, Avarra. And if he did, he will apologize. I'm certain of it. » She's also brutally honest, and expects Avarra to be the same. « Are you sure that's how much you paid for that? I thought it was a little less. You should tell her so. Should I? » However, the honesty is never mean-spirited. « No, Irajath, I don't think you should eat the third one. Your form is lovely as it is. You wouldn't want to change that, would you? »

In the Navajo culture, one of the biggest insults you can offer someone is to tell them they're acting like they have no relatives. Family is an integral part of the culture. So it is for Kinaldeth. She will do anything for her clutch-siblings, and likewise, thinks Avarra ought to do the same for her siblings. “I am the Gray. I walk between the Candle and the Star.” Everything is done for the family (or in Delen's case, the good of her caste / people).

She has a specific way of doing everything. There is a routine to follow, a pattern that Avarra will learn to keep to. It's up to you whether this pattern stays the same from the time she breaks shell to the time she stops rising, or if her short term memory makes her invent new ones as she forgets the reasons for the old ones. Because it is the reason for the ritual that drives the ritual itself. She won't slaughter a herdbeast in the same way every time if the need changes. But, if her routine / ritual fits, she will use it for sure. Remember when Delen was going through her courtship with John? How everything had to be done exactly correctly? “The female watches the male sleep for three nights. Then, she can see his true face.” That's Kinaldeth. The rituals are not necessarily private, but neither are they going to be explained, especially when she's in the middle of them.

Skinwalkers, or Navajo witches are supposedly men and women who have rejected the patterns of beauty. Usually, this is for revenge or greed. However, it could be for any reason that doesn't fit the mold. They are known as shapeshifters and are often represented by a coyote. Case in point, Kinaldeth will never like Rugen. Instinctively, there's just something off about him. « Avarra, are you sure you want to talk to him again? » And when you ask her why, she'll not have a specific reason, apart from the fact that she just doesn't like him. He scares her. However, other than to tell you not to talk to him again, she won't talk about him. If another dragon mentions him, or you want to talk about what happened the last time he visited, be prepared for a flat refusal.

Navajos also consider the space between their four sacred mountains “home”. They like to live in hogans separate from anyone else, not able to see the next neighbor, but that hogan needs to be in the appropriate place. This shows up in Kinaldeth, too. Fort Weyr is home. Va might be able to get her to venture out for a few days to take trips, but she won't ever be comfortable for more than two or three nights away from home. She won't be one who could visit a weyrmate in another Weyr for sevens at a time, or transfer. The thought would make her sick. This will play against Avarra's wandering tendencies, since Va's been traveling and on the road for Turns, almost as much as the trader folk. She also will probably choose a weyr that is far away from others, or where she can't see them. It's just the way she is.

One of her strange quirks, picked up directly from the Navajo language, is her love of puns and wordplay. For example, Avarra might tire of being told to turn around in circles on Turnover. Little things like that make her ecstatically happy. If something doesn't fall into place properly, Va might be well-suited to keep a stock of puns on hand to draw her attention away from things that don't fit form.

Mind Voice:

Kinaldeth's mindvoice is quiet, confident, and changes on a whim. One moment, she'll sound like Avarra, except more innocent, and then the next, she'll sound like one of her clutchmates. However, there is never any doubt that she's being honest. No duplicity or dishonesty. Music is a big part of her voice. There's often a teaching ballad or harper's song in the background, played a little louder when it fits. Avarra may tire of hearing the Duty Song as she gets the straps ready for Threadfall. If there isn't a song appropriate to the occasion, she'll find one that is almost appropriate. Never any of T'jano's sea tunes or other bawdy music, though. The Kinaald does morning runs, as we've mentioned, so the colors of the dawn, places where Avarra's had morning runs, or somewhere she goes when the sun rises may show up in the background as well. As we've said, she also is associated with spring, the east, and new life, so if you want to pull some sounds and scents from those, go ahead.

Mind Scent:

Kinaldeth often uses the scents of what she considers home in her mindvoice. Since Avarra is at home on the road, that will often include strange mixtures of things, like the scents from a tavern mixed with the dust of the road outside of it. As she grows, she'll use the smells of the Weyr more prominently. Since it's home, it's where she belongs. Avarra shouldn't be surprised to find her mindvoice smelling like the pens when she's angry, or like something from deep within the storage caverns when she's curious.

Physical Voice:

When Kinaldeth uses her voice, which won't be often, it's a soft growling voice. She will use it more before she gets her physical body under complete control, and then, after that, it will only be heard when she's extremely frustrated or trying to get someone's attention « Excuse me, please. I need to get through to finish my round. » It will come out as a quiet growl, which can grow if it needs to. However, after she's done that, if it takes too much of an increase in volume, she'll be extremely upset, and feel the need to make restitution to whoever she growled at.


Much to her distress, Kinaldeth will not grow gracefully. She will grow in spurts. It will seem to defy everything she knows and follows. It will take awhile, but she'll convince herself to adapt to this, instead of expecting the growth to adapt to her. It will seem as though parts of her want to fully grow before the rest of her can catch up. One month, all the growth will go into her wings, the next month, it'll be her forepaws that seem to take the energy and resources. However, as Avarra looks back, there will be a clear cycle. At the time, it's definitely not that clear.


One way that Kinaldeth is like Avarra is in her movement. She moves with an easy grace, seeming to have spent turns and turns on a road or in the sky. There is a precision to her steps, even as she's growing strangely, that could be used as a measurement. She's as surefooted as a caprine, and knows where her wings, legs and tail are innately.


At first, she'll develop a ritual to the way she hunts, catches and kills her prey. As stated, though, this ritual may change with age or need. If Th'deus continues to make the able dragons hunt on the southern continent, then the ritual will be different there than it will be for in the pens at Fort. This isn't for superstition, though. If something works and is not in the ritual, she doesn't feel the need to add it just because it works. In fact, she might be upset at herself for breaking ritual.


One of the biggest taboos in Navajo culture is incest. This is defined as marrying (or sleeping with) someone whose clan is too close to yours. It's a rather complicated process. However, since this doesn't really apply to dragons, Kinaldeth will pick a taboo. This will change. Every flight. « No. I will not allow Maialeth to catch. He ate fish yesterday » Her flights will be regular, but when she goes proddy, she stops being White Shell Girl, and becomes Changing Woman. She'll be unpredictable. After the first few times, again, there will be a cycle to her unpredictability, like how long it lasts and how many changes, maybe, but the specific changes will still throw Avarra off, most likely. « Go into the Living Cavern, and tell Mozoorth's rider to come out here. And then flash him. » She'll try to influence the chasers and winners by subtle (and not-so-subtle) hints. The flight itself will seem to have a ceremony to it. Dips and dives will appear familiar after awhile, though don't count on predictability. The pieces will be the same, but the order and length will vary. Widely.


As you can imagine, Kinaldeth loves formations. What are formations, except ceremony and predictability in the air? She also loves Falls that fit the pattern. This falling out of pattern stuff messes her up. However, she'll adapt, even trying to think through the Falls she can remember to make her own pattern. If you want to bring it into play, maybe she helps some of the leadership figure out the pattern somehow. In Horzo, you adapt to nature, not the other way around.

Weyr Relationships:


Egg Inspiration:

Dragon Name Inspiration: Kinaldeth comes from the Navajo word Kinaalda. It's the ceremony of the coming of age of a Navajo woman. Tai thought it would be a good thing for Avarra, since Impressing brings so many responsibilities. Also, Avarra shows an innocence (not as much as Kin, but enough) that it made it fun to tie in. You said you didn't want too many vowels, so we took the extra 'a' out and made it easier to say. Tai says it kin-AL-death, but you can say it however you like. Your dragon. =)

Origin Myths of the Navaho Indians: The Age of Animal Heroes
The very first part talks about White Shell Girl and Turquoise Boy. They were not children of "First Man" and "First Woman", but they were borught out with the Dineh

Y and Z give names for some of the things, for ideas, although it could be tied into any of these things.

Some background on changing woman and the Kinaalda. This does say one thing that is different from my understanding. White shell Woman /becomes/ Changing Woman after the Kinaalda, not separate sisters.

Influence of White Shell Girl on current Navajos.

Book detailing some of the story from one family. Every family has its own variation.

White shell girl's link to Coyote. Perhaps tie in her connection to Rugen somehow, since Coyotes are skinwalkers and witches (the worst thing in their society)


Navajo society is based on the concept of "Horzo", or beauty. Not external beauty, but a sense of wholeness, rightness with your world and with your neighbor. This is achieved through right living, obeying the dictates of the family and culture, and when you step out of it, or for special occasions, following the steps to get back. (usually a 'sing', a musical ritual that purifies, sets up for the future, or recognizes the current situation properly). A kinaalda, which is the coming of age ceremony for a Navajo girl, is one such ceremony.

There's a lot in there to play with, and she's yours to incorporate / disregard any of this. Congratulations!

Credits: Lead Creators: Taini and Madri

Dragon: Kinaldeth
Color: Green
Name: Taini
Egg: Aromi
Egg Desc: Aromi (tweaked by W'ren)
Dragonet Inspiration: Taini
Dragon Desc: Madri
Puppeteer: Taini
Dragon Image: Th'deus

Image inspiration: I got to decide Kinaldeth's color, because the description wasn't written when I finally got around to doing her; Taini and Madri were still working on the ins and outs of her personality, and we were trying to make the dragon fit the personality, instead of the opposite. When I asked Taini and Madri what animal they thought of, when they thought of Kinaldeth, they both said 'Arabian horse'. After looking at a few zillion pictures of Arabian horses, drawing a sketch of a laying down dragon who morphed into a flying dragon who kind of looked like a laying-down dragon, I gave up and went to bed. The next morning, I had an inspiration and looked up 'falcon'. Image search turned up a charming, large-eyed falcon in the pose you see in the picture above. I thought that turquoise might be a lovely color for a green, and turquoise also has the added bonus of being a rock important to the Native Americans, that comes in many different shades — Changing Woman. I found the picture below and used the colors off of that, for most of Kinaldeth's hues; I tend to favor blue turquoise, so there is a slight bias there. Her head is the most 'horse-like' of the dragons, in honor of the 'Arabian' feel, but she's a strong creature, not quite as delicate as Talzath and probably about his same size. When I draw or paint, phrases tend to occur to me, and the phrase that kept coming back to me, when doing Kinaldeth was 'flying out of the cowl of her wings'. I also imagine, like any good turquoise, she has little black spots on her rump and shoulders and flecks of fool's-gold accenting nearly-jade talons. I hope you enjoy her, play her often and well! - Th'deus

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